So Sad, Applying Google AdSense But Declined, Here's The Reasons Why

Practically everybody needs money, of course everyone has its own needs, specially when you raised your own family, that's given. 

So, I decided to run a travel blog using the free blog platform to make some extra penny to use for our daily needs.

Making a blog is not easy, because, to run such thing, you need to understand some techy things like basic HTML, little design experience, importing images/videos, and of course creating an article that audience can easily understand.

To make the long story short, yes, we travel and create content to upload it to our blog, but things didn't go as we expected. (pause)

Google AdSense is the most popular company to monetize a blog using their program called Google AdSense Partnership, but to avail their cool feature you need first to apply and get approved to be able to earn money from them.

So, we apply to Google AdSense hoping that we'll be accepted after a week of review, waiting for a couple of days and then the result came out. But unfortunately they rejected us for some issues.

Two (2) Major issues pop-ups in my application:

  1. Google-served ads on screens without publisher-content.

  2. Valuable inventory: Under construction

So, what does it mean?

Simple, just make the blog active and make sure to publish content regularly.

And also I change the language of this blog to English as a primary language that all people around the world can understand.

Things that I learned from this experience.

First, before applying to Google AdSense Partnership Program make sure that your blog have at least Five (5) or more article with at least 300 words.

Second, also make your contact page, about us, disclaimer and policy page active and readable to your audience.

And the last but not the least, make sure all of the mentioned above are completed before applying to Google AdSense Partnership Program, so that what happened in my end will not happen to you.

So Sad, Applying Google AdSense But Declined, Here's The Reasons Why So Sad, Applying Google AdSense But Declined, Here's The Reasons Why Reviewed by Jonas C. on February 14, 2022 Rating: 5
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